Green - Green is the color of abundance, health, fertility, freedom, healing, nature, growth, jealously, and cool.
Beige - Beige creates a illustrious and professional look. Can be combined with almost any color and still come across well.
Blue - Blue is the color of peace, tranquility and wisdom. Also conveyed as honesty, truth, loyalty, power, coolness, health, harmony, and confidence.
Brown - Brown is for simplicity, earthiness, comfort, durability, and stability.
Black - Black can be death, seriousness, solid strength, elegance, sophistication, rebellion, evil, power, and mystery. It can be powerful, aloof and intimidating.
Pink - Pink suggests softness, sweet, femininity, well-being, innocence, and nurture.
Purple - Purple is the sign for dignity, spirituality, royal, luxury, wealth, authority, mournfulness, and sophistication.
Yellow - Yellow is a warm and cheerful color. It can also be known for caution, optimism, idealism, cowardice, and imagination.
White - White is known for truthfulness, purity, clean, devotion, mild, and contemporary.
Red - Red is known as love, urgency, courage, danger, passion, blood, intensity, aggression, and competition.
Gold - Gold suggests expensive, and prestige.